Listy Biometryczne – Biometrical Letters, Vol. 40 (2003), No. 1, 23-34
For the analysis of square contingency tables with the same ordered row and column classifications, Goodman (1985, Annals of Statistics 13, 10-69) considered the diamond (DD) model, which indicates no association between the difference and the sum variables. Tomizawa, Miyamoto and Horiguchi (2000, Japanese J. Biom. 20, 181-191) considered a measure to represent the degree of departure from the DD model, being similar to Goodman and Kruscal's gamma measure. This paper proposes a Kendall's tau-b type measure for representing the degree of departure from the DD model. It is applied to two kinds of unaided distance vision data. For these data, the degrees and the patterns of departure from the DD model are compared.
concordance, diamond model, gamma measure, Kendall's tau-b, odds-ratio, quasi-independence.