Manuscripts (in English) should be submitted in electronic version (pdf/doc/docx/tex) to,
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Biometrical Letters
Department of Mathematical and Statistical Methods
Poznan University of Life Sciences
Wojska Polskiego 28
PL-60-637 Poznan (Poland)

We recommend to prepare papers according to the Template attached:
Click here to see Template.

The first page must include the title, the abbreviated title (no more than 50 characters), name(s) and full postal and e-mail address(es) of the author(s). Next there should be a summary containing a maximum of 200 words, and a short list of key words.

The text should be in Times New Roman 11pt font, with 1.5 line spacing. Formulas referenced in the text should be numbered on the right-hand side of the page, either continuously or by chapter or paragraph.

Figures and tables should be black-and-white, numbered sequentially with Arabic numerals and placed on separate pages or in the original files. Short descriptive titles for all tables and figures should be given in a separate section. The positions of all tables and figures should be noted within the text.

References in the text should be by author's surname and publication date. For publication by more than two authors, "et al." should be used after the name of the first author. In the list at the end of the paper, references should be in alphabetical order under the first author's name, and should include the surnames of all authors, year of publication, title, name of journal, volume number, issue number, and page numbers.

Any manuscripts are treated as confidential documents and are sent to referees. Editors have used a completely blind review system since 2011. In the system both author and reviewers are anonymous to one another. Reviewers should not review manuscripts when they have conflicts of interests resulting, for example, from competitive. Editors have complete responsibility and authority to reject or accept an article.

The journal makes no page charges. Twenty offprints or an electronic pdf version of each paper will be provided free of charge to the corresponding author.