Since January 1, 2005, a new editorial board has been working on the maintenance of the scientific reputation of the Biometrical Letters.

The editorship has been passed from Zygmunt Kaczmarek (Editor-in-Chief, Poznań), Bronislaw Ceranka (Deputy Editor, Poznań) and Pawel Krajewski (Secretary, Poznań) to Stanislaw Mejza (Editor-in Chief, Poznań), Maria Kozlowska (Associate Editor, Poznań), Jerzy Moczko (Associate Editor, Poznań), Wieslaw Madry (Associate Editor, Warsaw), Ewa Bakinowska and Anita Biszof (Secretaries, Poznań).

The Polish Biometric Society would like to take this opportunity of thanking the former Editors for their excellent and hard work for the journal.

We would like to ask the biometricians all over the world to support the journal by their submissions of high quality manuscripts contributing to biometry.